Board & Superintendent Development

At Central Rivers AEA, we believe that executive leadership coaching and core energy training can make a tremendous difference for leaders in both their personal lives and in their professional roles. For some of our leaders, it’s literally been life changing. (This article from The Learning Counsel explains more about “the why” of coaching and why superintendents should consider it.)

Because we feel so strongly about the difference it can make, our agency has invested in specialized training to extend executive leadership coaching and core energy training to local school administrators. Studies find that when leaders collaborate with executive coaches, they experience a 70 percent increase in individual performance and a 50 percent increase in team performance. These are pretty incredible data-based outcomes!

We offered this “INspired Leadership” two-day workshop for school leaders in June of 2023, and it came with a bank of coaching sessions for each school leader who attended. This course quickly filled up and will be offered again on August 1 and 2, 2024, in Clear Lake, Iowa. 

This year’s package includes an online individualized assessment that must be completed before the two-day workshop. This assessment forms the foundation of the workshop and is initially debriefed during the sessions. It helps each participant increase self-awareness and understand their stress responses.

The package also offers 10, one-hour individual executive coaching sessions via Zoom, scheduled approximately every three to four weeks. These sessions provide a confidential space for leaders to reflect on and explore their thoughts, emotions, and actions. By examining limiting beliefs, aligning values and expectations, and problem-solving, participants unlock their potential and enhance their organizational impact, enabling them to achieve personal and professional goals.

The INspired Leadership two-day workshop’s foundational ideas and individualized assessment are also available to be delivered onsite to school district staff members as a professional development option. By completing the online assessment and participating in a group debrief of their individual results:

  • Staff members enhance awareness of their internal energy (thoughts, emotions & actions).
  • Once aware of the thoughts that lead to feeling a certain way, participants start to see how their actions (wanted and unwanted) lead to the results they are getting, personally and professionally. 
  • Awareness is the key that allows individuals to more consciously choose actions that will serve them and others to get more of what they want and less of what they don’t.

If you are interested in learning more or purchasing these services, please contact Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Leslie Moore, ACC or Karl Kurt, Assistant Chief Administrator/Director of HR.

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