ELPA21 updates from the Iowa Department of Education


There are new important dates, reminders, and resources for English Learners from the Iowa Department of Education. Reach out to Annalisa Miner or Lisa Wymore, Consultants for English Learners, with questions.

There are new important dates, reminders, and resources from the Iowa Department of Education. Some important details:

  • If you haven’t already, you will want to register for email alerts from CAI (upper right-hand corner of the ELPA21 Portal Homepage). 
  • Alt-ELPA21 results from spring 2023 will be available in September due to the standard-setting process.

Newly enrolled English Learners: Ensure kindergarteners and new potential ELs are screened (using the ELPA21 Dynamic Screener) and documented appropriately by the October 1, 2023 count date in your student reporting system in order to generate funding.

Need assistance with multilingual communications? Join us for a session with TransACT.

Questions on identification and requirements? Utilize the Standardized Entrance and Exit Procedures for Iowa’s ELs or contact Annalisa Miner or Lisa Wymore, Consultants for English Learners.