Crisis Prevention Institution (CPI) training updates


The CPI training agreement was modified for 2023. Reach out to Kay Schmalen, Director of Professional Learning, with questions.

Negotiated Pricing Structure

Train the TrainerRenewalsAnnual MembershipSharing of Trainers
10% off list price
*The district is responsible
Current Price $4349
Cost: $3914.10
*5% off list price*CRAEA is ResponsibleList Price $1849Current Cost: $1756.55$200*District is Responsible *Share a Trainer $1000 (2 yr)*Dual Employment
No Additional Charge

**IMPORTANT NEW Replacement of Trainers Wording

If a new instructor leaves the organization 0-6 months AFTER certification replacement at no cost. If a new instructor leaves the organization 6-12 months AFTER certification, replaced at RENEWAL cost

The CPI training agreement was modified for 2023. Trainers can only train district employees; they cannot go to a neighboring district or other districts to train their staff unless your trainer is employed in both districts and/or there is a sharing agreement between the districts.

If you are sharing or have a sharing agreement, please get in touch with, Kay Schmalen, Director of Professional Learning before you agree to do a training.