Student Code-a-thons for Computer Science Education Week


Student Code-a-thons coming for CS ED Week

This year for CS ED Week, Central Rivers AEA will be hosting our first-ever Code-a-thons!

The Elementary Code-a-thon will happen on Dec. 7th and the Secondary Code-a-thon will happen on Dec. 8th.  These will be in-person events at our Cedar Falls location.

Elementary Code-a-thon

December 7th at Central Rivers AEA in Cedar Falls.  9:00-12:00. If you have students who are interested in participating, please fill out this form.


Using scratch, create a game students can play to learn concepts being taught in your classroom.  The topic and makeup of the game are totally up to you!


  1. Players must learn or review classroom concepts through gameplay
  2. The game must be engaging.  I want to play it!
  3. You must provide a description of your planning and design process.  Including but not limited to:
    • How did you come up with the idea?
    • If you worked with a group, who did what?
    • How did you determine what the gameplay would be?
    • What school topics does the game cover?
    • Did you run into any problems planning and/or designing the game? How did you fix those?
  4. You must share a link to the game prior to judging on Dec. 7th.

Secondary Code-a-thon

December 8 at Central Rivers AEA in Cedar Falls, 9:00 am -12:00 pm. If you have students who are interested in participating, please fill out this form.


Using Python, create a game or learning material that students can use to learn concepts being taught in your classroom.  The topic and format are completely up to you!


  1. Users must learn or review classroom concepts through gameplay or the use of the “material”
  2. Format must be engaging. I want to use it!
  3. You must provide a description of your planning and design process.  Including but not limited to:
  • How did you come up with the idea?
  • If you worked with a group, who did what?
  • How did you determine what the gameplay would be?
  • What school topics does the game cover?
  • Did you run into any problems planning and/or designing the game? How did you fix those?

4. You must share a link to the game/material prior to judging on Dec. 7th.