Inquiries of Tier 2 and Tier 3 Instruction


This blog explores increasing embedded learning opportunities as a Tier 2/3 intervention strategy. Embedded learning opportunities integrate skill practice beyond isolated sessions, providing more opportunities for mastery and transfer across contexts.

Part 3: Intensifying Instruction By Increasing Embedded Learning Opportunities

In this multi-part blog series, we have been addressing inquiries of Tier 2 and 3 practice. We have been focusing on ways of intensifying instruction that teachers have more control over: increasing quality interactions (Part 1) and increasing engagement (Part 2). In Part 3, we focus on intensifying intervention by increasing embedded learning opportunities, as found on pages 29 & 30 of your Guide.

Understanding Embedded Learning Opportunities

Embedding learning opportunities” refers to the practice of incorporating various opportunities for students to practice a skill beyond the traditional learning environment.

Identifying Students Who Need Embedded Learning Opportunities

Not all students require the same level of intervention support. Here are some questions to consider when determining if a student might benefit from increased embedded learning opportunities:

  • Does the learner require multiple practice opportunities to master a skill? Compared to their peers, does the student need more practice than is considered reasonable?
  • Does the learner struggle to use the skill in different settings and with different people? Can they apply the learned skill in various situations and with various teachers and peers?
  • Does the learner resist attending isolated intervention sessions outside the classroom, preferring to stay with their peers?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, increasing embedded learning opportunities may be a beneficial way to further support the student.

Strategies for Increasing Embedded Learning Opportunities

Here are several strategies for incorporating embedded learning opportunities into your intervention practices:

  • Embedding Instruction During Routines and Activities:
    • Consider revising intervention time to a push-in model if a student feels anxious about missing out on classroom activities. This allows you to deliver support within the classroom environment and integrate modified classroom experiences as intervention strategies.
  • Collaboration with Classroom Teachers:
    • Collaborate with the student’s classroom teacher to develop and implement skills and methods that work effectively during intervention sessions. Encourage the teacher to replicate and reinforce these strategies within the general classroom setting for consistency. This collaborative approach ensures the student receives consistent support throughout the day.
  • Working with Families and Caregivers:
    • Families are a student’s closest support system. They may offer valuable insights into strategies that work well at home and can provide additional opportunities for practicing skills learned in school. Collaborate with families and caregivers to develop a plan for supporting the student outside the classroom environment, while being mindful of their workload and prioritizing home as a place of rest and relaxation.

The Importance of Flexibility and Ongoing Evaluation

It’s crucial to remember that all interventions, including those utilizing embedded learning opportunities, should be adaptable to meet the specific needs of each student. Regularly evaluate student progress through various methods to determine the effectiveness of your strategies and make adjustments as needed. This ensures you are providing the most appropriate and impactful support for each student.

Stay Tuned and Access Resources

In our last blog in the series, we will focus on intensifying instruction by increasing opportunities to respond.  If you would like further information, contact one of your Literacy Consultants at Central Rivers AEA and check out our Literacy website or the Supplemental and Intensive Tiers Guide.

Jessica Kite:

Melissa Blohm:

Tina Graven: