Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program desk audit opened on September 15


The Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program desk audit opened in the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) on September 15. Reach out to Jessie Blohm, Michelle Haberman, Lindsey Humpal or Allyssa Pape, Consultants for Early Childhood, with questions.

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The Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program desk audit opened in the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) on September 15. The Iowa Quality Preschool Program standards will be the same as those reported on in 22-23. Guidance will be available within CASA.

Questions can be directed to Jessie Blohm, Michelle Haberman, Lindsey Humpal or Allyssa Pape, Consultants for Early Childhood.