Update for school districts: changes in assessment coverage begins now


Starting this year, the state won't cover the costs for extra FAST measures in math and behavior, except for K-6 reading. Districts can still opt for other state-approved literacy assessments but need to cover the expenses themselves. For those using additional FAST assessments, registration and payment are required before June 14 for the upcoming school year.

Starting now and moving forward, the state’s AEA system will no longer cover the cost of extra FAST measures in math and behavior, except for K-6 reading assessments, which remain free. Remember, using FAST measures is optional, and districts can opt for other state-approved literacy tools, however, the cost using these non-FAST literacy measures will not be paid by the state – school districts will have to cover these fees.

Additional details to note:

  • To meet the requirements of ELI (Iowa Code 279.68), all students K-3, and continuing for those students persistently at-risk, will be screened using a state approved literacy assessment.
    • Students who are at-risk or persistently at-risk will be progress monitored using a state approved assessment.
    • The K-6 FAST Literacy Screening and Progress Monitoring suite of assessments are provided by the state at no cost. If these are the only FAST measures that you will be using, additional registration is not required.
  • Universal Screening and Progress Monitoring for Math and Behavior at any grade level are optional and not required.
    • Districts choosing to use these Math and Behavior FAST measures will be required to register for their use and pay an additional fee.

Learn more about the new costs for the additional FAST assessments and register* if you would like to use them for the 2024-25 school year. *Registration must be completed prior to June 14, 2024.

This information will also be on the agenda for the May Statewide Curriculum Network meeting. Please reach out to Joe Kremer, School Improvement Consultant,  if you have questions.