Register for the Teacher Leadership Network


Teacher Leaders – we are ready to roll out our new professional learning system, and registration is available now for our Teacher Leadership Network on September 24.

Join teacher leaders across Central Rivers AEA in a networking opportunity. CRAEA is excited to welcome back Pete Hall – he is joining us for an hour during our first session to share his insights regarding reflection, specifically coaching around the unaware stage. Since this is a networking opportunity, there is no charge to attend! Dates for the 2024-2025 school year are: 

  • September 24
  • December 10
  • February 25, 2025
  • May 6, 2025

These networking opportunities are planned by an advisory team, and the advisory team has two requests: 

  1. Register for the network in the location that works best for you.
  2. Complete this Teacher Leader Network Survey ASAP to help the advisory team plan and make this year even better than last year!

The registration links to the Teacher Leader Network that begin in September are below: 

License Renewal is an option for $50. Please note that in order to earn license renewal credit, participants are required to attend at least three out of the four dates. Contact Bradi Johnson, Tiffany Ahrens or Kay Schmalen with questions.