Talented & Gifted (TAG)

“All of us do not have equal talent, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talent.”

-John F. Kennedy, Civil rights address

Central Rivers AEA’s Talented and Gifted (TAG) team is committed to being advocates and providing educational and networking opportunities for those who serve our almost 3,000 TAG students.

MTSS Advanced Learners Guide

In April 2018, the Advanced Learner Multi-Tiered System of Support Guide was created to assist classroom teachers in ensuring all students are appropriately challenged. This tool was written to be content-neutral and can be used across all disciplines.

Local TAG Network

The Central Rivers AEA Talented and Gifted Network is designed to assist and support educators who provide quality services to gifted children. The network consists of professional learning opportunities and collaboration. Agendas are driven by those in attendance and it is a great opportunity to problem-solve and share resources. Each network runs from 9:00 am–3:00 pm.

Contact Chelsie Byram to be added to the Network.

Important Contacts

Staff Directory

Chelsie Byram

Consultant for Educational Services